Welcome to All Saints

Good morning and welcome to the 2024 Flushing Deanery Pentecost Celebration! Today, we gather as a Deanery to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. We will hear the Gospel proclaimed in many different languages, our combined Deanery Children’s Choir will perform their rendition of “They’ll Know We Are Christians,” and we shall celebrate the Eucharist as one Deanery Family.

Whether you are a first-time visitor, long-time parishioner, or fall somewhere in between, we are honored and enriched by your presence in person or online for these services, and offer you a sincere welcome to this parish church.

Online Pledges

If your circumstances permit, please consider making a pledge to the mission and ministry of All Saints. You may do so by mail, or online. Simply click the donate button on the website. (Click Here)


Please leave us your feedback about today’s service livestream at webmaster@allsaintsepiscopalbayside.org.

Categories: Worship