Welcome to All Saints

Whether you are a first-time visitor, long-time parishioner, or fall somewhere in between, we are honored and enriched by your presence for this service, and offer you a sincere welcome home to this
parish church. Of course we had all hoped that the pandemic would be over by now and that we could breathe freely, both literally and figuratively! The pandemic can alter our traditions, but cannot change
the truth of the Gospel: God is with us and we welcome him anew.

As we once again celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we encourage you to join fully in the prayers and carols and to share in the Holy Communion.

Although we have had to hold this service online and therefore those gathered around screens cannot physically receive Holy Communion, please know that receiving it in your heart is efficacious and is receiving Communion.

Should you be seeking a church to call your own, we hope that your search is over and that you will become a member of All Saints.

Our regular Sunday service in Covidtide is at 10:00 AM. and is live-streamed on our website. Again, welcome, and may this be a most joyful Christmastide for you and all those whom you love.

Check out our church shop

Any day is a good day to show your parish pride with “Church Merch,” “Sacred Swag” or whatever you call a great collection of custom T-shirts, drink-ware, and more! Each item you buy helps to fund our mission and ministry. Click Here to View the Shop

Pledges during the Great Separation

If your circumstances permit, please continue to make your pledges up to date. You may do so by mail, or online. There is a new and streamlined online giving system. Simply click the donate button on the website. (Click Here)


Please leave us your feedback about today’s service livestream at webmaster@allsaintsepiscopalbayside.org.


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