Good Friday
Welcome to All Saints We are honored and enriched by your Spiritual and on-line presence this day. If you are visiting All Saints’ today, “like us” on Facebook and visit us in person as soon as possible. Check out our church shop Any day is a good day to show Read more…
Maundy Thursday
Welcome to All Saints We are honored and enriched by your Spiritual and on-line presence this evening. If you are visiting All Saints’ today, “like us” on Facebook and visit us in person as soon as possible. Check out our church shop Any day is a good day to show Read more…
Palm Sunday
Welcome to All Saints Wherever you may be this morning, we rejoice that we can be together in spirit. We hope and trust that you are safe and well. I encourage you to read along, pray along, and sing along with our online worship this morning. Check out our church Read more…
The Fifth Sunday in Lent
Welcome to All Saints Wherever you may be this morning, we rejoice that we can be together in spirit. We hope and trust that you are safe and well. I encourage you to read along, pray along, and sing along with our online worship this morning. Feedback Please leave us Read more…
The Fourth Sunday in Lent
Welcome to All Saints Wherever you may be this morning, we rejoice that we can be together in spirit. We hope and trust that you are safe and well. I encourage you to read along, pray along, and sing along with our on-line worship this morning. A Note on Today’s Read more…
The Third Sunday in Lent
Thank You To Tom Espenshade and Diana Gilday for providing music this morning. A note on the history of this service: March 15, 2020 marked the first day of entirely online worship at All Saints, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. No one knew what was about to take place. How Read more…
Christmas Eve Festival Holy Eucharist
Christmas Eve Carols & Festival Holy Eucharist Rite II. Enjoy and Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Christmas Pageant
Merry Christmas Eve! Please enjoy our annual pageant telling us the story of the season! The cast is made up of our Youth & Young Adults, and features music performed our house band The Crooks, as well as our Organist and Choirmaster Arkady Leytush. If the audio is not playing, Read more…
The Day of Pentecost
View our full livestream of the Deanery Pentecost Liturgy. This service was one of the largest celebrations All Saints has seen in years, as we welcomed the other parishes of the Flushing Deanery and The Rt. Rev. Lawrence Provenzano. Our praise band “The Crooks” was in full force with songs Read more…