Easter Day

Welcome to All Saints Alleluia, Christ is Risen! It is a joy to welcome you to All Saints this Easter Day, as we celebrate our Risen Lord. On this high holy day, we hope you will join us in singing the great hymns of Easter, and joining in the responses Read more…

The Great Vigil of Easter

Welcome to All Saints Good evening and welcome to All Saints as we prepare to celebrate Christ’s Resurrection with the Great Vigil of Easter! It begins with the kindling of the New Fire, the lighting of the Paschal Candle and the singing of the ancient song of praise, the Exsultet. Read more…

Good Friday 2024

Welcome to All Saints Good afternoon and welcome to All Saints for our observance of Good Friday. The Good Friday Liturgy, while not a three hour service (even if it feels like it!!!), is a solemn service that includes special prayers, a reading of the Passion, communion from the Reserved Read more…

Maundy Thursday 2024

Welcome to All Saints Good evening and welcome to All Saints as we enter the Triduum. Today is Maundy Thursday, the passover of our Lord. A special welcome to Fr. Willis and the people of St. John’s Flushing, who are joining us for worship this evening. Whether you are a Read more…

The Office of Tenebrae

Welcome to All Saints Whether you are a first-time visitor, long-time parishioner, or somewhere in between, we are honored and enriched by your on-line presence this evening, and offer you a sincere welcome home to this parish church. Although many of us are physically apart, we are together in heart Read more…

Palm Sunday

Welcome to All Saints “Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!” Good morning and welcome to All Saints for the Sunday of the Passion, Palm Sunday. This morning, our service begins in the Common Room, where we will bless palms and begin our procession Read more…

Fifth Sunday in Lent

Welcome to All Saints Welcome to All Saints for the Fourth Sunday in Lent. The fourth Sunday in Lent is known as Laetare Sunday. Laetare means “rejoice” in Latin, and the name is taken from the Introit traditionally recited on Laetare Sunday from Isaiah 66:10. An introit is a psalm Read more…

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Welcome to All Saints Welcome to All Saints for the Fourth Sunday in Lent. The fourth Sunday in Lent is known as Laetare Sunday. Laetare means “rejoice” in Latin, and the name is taken from the Introit traditionally recited on Laetare Sunday from Isaiah 66:10. An introit is a psalm Read more…

Third Sunday in Lent

Welcome to All Saints Good morning and welcome to All Saints as we continue our Lenten journey. Whether you are a first-time visitor, long-time parishioner, or fall somewhere in between, we are honored and enriched by your presence in person or online for these services, and offer you a sincere Read more…